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What Can Custom Clarion Software Do For You?

Custom Clarion Software


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Clarion Software Development What Makes It So Powerful

The Clarion development environment provides code generation facilities via a system of templates, which allow programmers to generate 80% of an app with one click. The extra 20% of the code can be provided by using the Clarion language, to insert code statements into embed points. All the template generated procedures (such as browses and forms) have multiple places where source code can be inserted.

Clarion Software Free Download Page

This is a clarion software free download page. If you have any Clarion free software you would like to share with the Clarion software community please send it to me using mike at sterlingdata dot com. Not just free Clarion templates but also apps which other Clarion developers can use to get a flying start in a Clarion project. Mainly items that work with Softvelocity Clarion 10 and Softvelocity Clarion 11.

Are you Using A Clarion Program

Maybe you bought a Clarion program a few years ago, and now it needs some updating? Or your staff are requesting fresh features? Or you want your Clarion software to be web-based. If the answer's yes to any of these questions, you've come to the right place.